Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi A Blok / 319
Urban Design
Landscape Design
Public Space and Participation
Place and Health

300 38 15
Faculty of Architecture and Design
Landscape Architecture
300 34 15
Landscape Architecture Department
(Head of Department)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Merve ERSOY

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi A Blok / 316
Landscape planning; rural landscapes
Ecosystem services; carbon modelling
Social Cost of Carbon (SCC)
RS and GIS

300 38 55
Landscape Architecture Department
(Assistant Head of Department)

Asst. Prof. Dr. Volkan MÜFTÜOĞLU

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi A Blok / 315
Stormwater Management in Urban Areas
Landscape Design
Urban Design
Landscape Construction

300 38 53
Landscape Architecture Department
(Assistant Head of Department)


Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi A Blok / 318
Landscape Planning
Urban Modelling
Urban Change / Urban Growth
Remote Sensing & GIS

300 34 89
Landscape Architecture Department
( )

Prof. Dr. Sara DEMİR ALP

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi A Blok / 358
Landscape Planning and Landscape Ecology
Historical Landscape Character Assessment
Landscape Chatacter Assessment
Multicriteria Decision Making Methods and GIS

300 36 41
Landscape Architecture Department
( )

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kamil ERKEN

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi A Blok / 322
Ornamental Plant Production and Cultivation
Ornamental Plant Breeding
Wild Plants and getting Cultivation
Crop biodiversity

300 37 96
Landscape Architecture Department
( )
300 37 96
Forestry Application and Research Center Directorate
(Deputy Manager)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yalçın YILDIRIM

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi A Blok / 303-A
Urban Form
Soundscape, Noise Pollution
Urban & Environmental Design

300 38 96
Landscape Architecture Department
( )
300 38 96
Urban Design

Asst. Prof. Dr. Mahshid MIKAEILI

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi A Blok / 322
Environmental Behavior Knowledge
Climatic Design
Architecture History

808 11 68
Landscape Architecture Department
( )

Res. Asst. Buse Nur ÇIRAK

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi A Blok / 323
Landscape Planning
Landscape Restoration
Landscape Management

808 11 51
Landscape Architecture Department
( )

Res. Asst. Elif ALTAŞ ÇAKIL

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi A Blok / 321
Urban Green Spaces
Climate Resistant Cities
Sustainable Landscape Design
Native Plants

300 35 60
Landscape Architecture Department
( )

Res. Asst. Hatice Oya EŞBAH

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi A Blok / 321
Digital Landscape
Healty cities
Climate Change and Carbon Emission
Landscape Planning

808 10 39
Landscape Architecture Department
( )


Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi A Blok / 321
River Landscapes
Urban Open Space and Green Network Systems
Urban Rehabilitation
Planting Design

300 37 09
Landscape Architecture Department
( )

Res. Asst. Nazlı Deniz ERSÖZ

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi A Blok / 321
Environment- Behavior
Evidence- Based Design
Landscape Design
Urban Design

300 36 94
Landscape Architecture Department
( )

Res. Asst. Onur AKSOY

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi A Blok / 321
Planting Design
Urban Open Space and Bioclimatic Comfort
Ecological campus design
Green certification systems

300 35 08
Landscape Architecture Department
( )